Tips on how to use this exercise at home and at school.
Early math concepts
In the previous exercise, the child recognized situations where there are equally, more or less pictures/objects. Now they will create these groups of pictures/objects according to the instructions. In this way, they will demonstrate an understanding of the situation when making comparisons. If there are fewer objects in one group, there will be more in the other. In this exercise, they work with several objects up to 10.
What is this exercise good for?
When comparing quantities, the child uses the matching skills he already knows. For example, 5 children need 5 chairs. By matching the chairs to a child, he/she can see if the number of chairs is the same, higher or lower and what this means. By forming pairs the child builds up an idea and understanding of relationships. At first, the child perceives all situations the same, but if he cannot give a friend a candy, for example, he realizes that he has fewer candies and therefore there are more friends than candies. This correlation is the basis for later understanding of the relationships between numbers.
Who is this exercise suitable for?
It generally belongs in preschool or early school play. In addition to number concepts, and rational assumptions, it also develops language skills
Methodological recommendations
We can only proceed to the exercise when we are sure that the child understands the relationships more/less.
The child may initially have difficulty in finding out in which frame there should be which number of pictures. In this case, allow them to listen to the instruction again.
Invite the child to think aloud. This will help to improve comprehension as well as to ease working memory.
Tips for similar activities outside the app
Splitting candy into two piles. Divide them so that mom has less candy than you do. Who has more candy on their pile? You or me?
You can also practice the higher and lower relationship on the stairs (Who stands higher than you? Who stands lower than you? Now stand so that you are standing lower than me. What do you have to do?
Build a taller or lower building with blocks than mine. Now adjust the buildings so that they are the same height. What do you have to do?